a. get up at around 7:00 am
b. parttime job at a bookstore in the moring
c. go back to my company
d. read two pages of the PDF principle of economics both in English and Chinese
e. read two articles of a guide to the translation and do half copy of the english test
f. apply at least 1 job
g. watch an American movie or TV series
h. about 20 minutes jogging and physical exercise
i. go 2 bed before 12:30 a.m.
you think this is a awesome plan, right? haha. because of the out of controlled life, this is only a dream, a beaytiful simple dream. and i will show the real one of my current life:

a. go 2 sleep at around 3:00 a.m.
b. get up at 1:00 p.m.
c. rush 2 that fucking place facing a fucking witch, stare blankly and daydreaming
d. go home later than 8:00 p.m. tired, morose and hopeless
e. 20 minutes jogging to refresh myself
f. read two articles of a guide of translation
g. no weekend.